Thursday, April 19, 2012

Nature and climate

“Nature and Climate” - Lesson activities
Activity #1: “ Adjective or a verb?”
In these sentences is “recycle” an adjective or a verb?
1.     People should recycle paper.
2.     People should buy recycled paper.
3.     We can recycle plastic bottles.
4.     We can use recycled paper.
5.     We can make note books from recycled paper.
6.     We should recycle glass bottles.
7.     We can make new bottles from recycled bottles.


1.     Verb
2.     Adjectives
3.     Verb
4.     Adjective
5.     Adjective
6.     Verb
7.     Adjective

Activity # 2.Write the words in the correct places:
Hail, recycled, climate, electricity, important, reduce, kettle, destroy, oxygen, plant, wet, typical, grow, energy, save, think, use, low, average, coal, warm, rainfall, salty.



Activity # 3. “Fill in gaps” activity
Fill in gaps with: world, should, use, cups, want, water, time, energy.

When we make tea and coffee we… energy: gas, electricity and coal. Global warming comes from energy we use. So each time we make a cup of tea we make a problem for our…. People drink 229 million…. of tea and coffee every day. We…save the energy we use to make tea and coffee. If we want three cups of tea, we should put three cups of …. in the kettle. But often we put in five or six cups of water. We use 90 seconds more for a kettle with three cups than for a kettle with one cup, so each … we use a kettle we should save… we should think: How many cups do I ….? Water is a problem too. How can we save energy, save water and be healthy?

When we make tea and coffee we use energy: gas, electricity and coal. Global warming comes from energy we use. So each time we make a cup of tea we make a problem for our world. People drink 229 million cups of tea and coffee every day. We should save the energy we use to make tea and coffee. If we want three cups of tea, we should put three cups of water in the kettle. But often we put in five or six cups of water. We use 90 seconds more for a kettle with three cups than for a kettle with one cup, so each time we use a kettle we should save energy we should think: How many cups do I want? Water is a problem too. How can we save energy, save water and be healthy?

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